Some updated national and new regional data is now available from I Lost My Gig Canada’s 1st COVID-19 Impact Survey for individual gig workers in the arts, culture, heritage, tourism, and creative industries in Canada.
Also, two impact surveys are now open until Feb 2021, this first survey for individuals, and a new second survey for organizations. Share your COVID-19 story today!
For individual gig workers, as of August 15, 2020:

29,232 lost or at-risk gigs (35 average per person) representing $20.7 million in lost or at-risk income ($25,040 average per person) in 2020 from across Canada. There were 1,037 total survey respondents (including 827 respondents reporting lost gigs and income).
Municipally, Toronto reported the highest total economic impact with 2,879 total lost or at-risk gigs (17 average per person) and $3.8 million in total lost or at-risk income ($22,135 average per person).
Provincially, Ontario respondents reported the highest total economic impact with 8,302 lost or at-risk gigs (24 average), and $7.7 million in total lost or at-risk income ($22,450 average).
Additional regional results:
Stressed about impacts on their arts/culture-related income (somewhat or higher):
- 96% BC
- 95% AB
- 97% MB-SK
- 96% ON
- 94% QC
- Other regions not available.
Expect arts income will be severely reduced in 2020:
- 82% BC
- 84% AB
- 77% MB-SK
- 83% ON
- 88% QC
- Other regions not available.
Other figures reported in earlier graphics generally remain the same:
- 100% expect their arts/culture-related income will be reduced in 2020 (83% severely)
- 96% are stressed about impacts on their arts/culture-related income (somewhat or higher)
- 69% self-employed
- 42% earned less than $20,000 from the arts, culture, or related activities in 2019
- $30,597 average income in 2019
- 13 provinces and territories represented (regional data not available yet for the territories)
- 68% women
- 25% racialized groups, new Canadians, persons who are Deaf or with a disability
- 49% performing arts, live performance festivals and celebrations