The following are unedited, uncensored, unrated responses (published in the order received, as of June 1, 2020) to the COVID-19 Impact Survey question:
What do you require most urgently (in the next 3 weeks) to help you respond to the challenges of COVID-19? Consider financial and other needs such as legal, physical/mental health, famlly, education and other support.
I need to keep doing what I’m doing: connecting with friends, dancing at home, eating well, doing the work that I have. I feel fine financially at the moment so nothing feels urgent now but when the CERB runs out then it will get scary.
Financial support for sure, as well as mental health support, and I know my jobs need financial support or there is no way my studio or gym will survive this meaning there won’t even be a job for me to go back to.
Financially – we need our rent deferred. We need reimbursement from competitions/festivals so that we can help our families.
Legal – advice on how to proceed with competitions/festivals who threaten bankruptcy if we do not agree to 100% credits.
Health and wellbeing – advice on how to run the studio within the restrictions in effect and coming. What are other studios doing? How do you limit class sizes, team sizes, effectively run classes with only 15 people allowed in the studio at once.
Hope… I need hope and assurance that I can continue to do what I love in the future. I have begun to take my programming on line but am not getting compensated for my time, so I think education and support financially to help with this new way of creating space for people to gather and create art would be beneficial.
Currently we are seeking legal advice on the best way to move forward and stay in business. Legal fees are hefty as well as continued overhead costs to continue to run the business with one employee. Financial assistance would be the best way to support us, whether it be to help return money to the dance community via the fees paid or to ensure we can continue to provide our events next spring.
Any sort of funding that would help these dance studios that attend our events recoup some of the costs spent this year back to their clients would help the entire economy, or funding that would allow us to assist in these ways. Ideally we would love to feasibly be able to just refund 100% back to the studios and start over next year, but that is not possible with overhead running costs, event prep costs, supplies purchased etc.
I need money, I need family, I need people to talk to when things get stressful, I need a support system.
People need to know that not everyone is covered by CERB. People in general. Such as my landlord. I also lost access to health-care deemed unnecessary that I feel was necessary and I am worried about my illness returning. I lost access to the computers and software to edit videos through artist run spaces and businesses that are now closed. That sort of thing might help me free-lance, but I do not have that. Not even libraries are open.
I think that I could use debt freezing. But more importantly I could use self-esteem through skilled volunteer work of some kind.
Family, support, money, people to talk to about my stresses during this pandemic. I am on my own here with nobody being around. Artists are always the last people in society to get help. I guess what we do is not valued.
We need financial help – plain and simple. We need to refund our clientele to keep ourselves from going bankrupt. This is the case for many dance companies.
The biggest challenge has been a total lack of special education/disability respite services when our high school switched to online learning. I brought up the issue when they were personally calling each family to ensure kids had access to computers, and I was told the spec ed resource team would be in touch, but there’s been nothing, so now I’m a person with a disability caring full time for a child with autism (and another child) and also acting as their assistant teacher all at the same time as trying to work from home. We have no extended family to help.
Money. Thank goodness for the government relief. I think because I am non-union I don’t qualify as anything because I am not “professional” even though as theatre artists we have to do so much work for free in order to build credits on our resume, be seen, and network in the arts community. Those of us in this area are being hit hard as well because even though we are doing non-paid work, all of these shows and cabarets are crucial for being seen, building experience in the city and giving legitimacy to our desire to become professional.
I am blessed to have a family that is in a position and is willing to take me in, and fortunately my physical health is currently good. My mental health is an absolute wreck. The recurring thought is that everything I’ve worked for has been indefinitely delayed and may never be the same— the industry I aspired to work in may not exist as I knew it when this is all over. I need a therapist, I think. I need access to maybe a group therapy so that I know I’m not alone, but I don’t see how that wouldn’t turn into everyone just being more sad by the end.
I am fortunate that I am not urgently in need of anything. My husband is also a freelancer but fortunately he has enough work to keep us going. With the extra time I have I am trying to make lots of virtual connections with family and friends to support our mental health.
I need access to programming and support. My unique business structure has my studio and industry forgotten.
Thanks to CERB I am okay for the moment, but question what happens when that stops. I’m 60 this summer – starting a new career looks bleak. A decade ago I did warehouse work and small scale factory food production. I don’t have the body strength at 60 that I had a 50; back, knees, hips aren’t up to the physical demands needed for that kind of work, at least not long term. Over the years my other work has been retail in craft galleries and art supply stores; always minimum wage, but art sales through shows bolstered that income. Too may of those galleries and shows have closed, and I doubt they’ll be back. I’m on medication for ADD and anti-anxiety; these are stressful times, and while the meds works, it’s a daily challenge. My skills are all in the creative world, but hands on – I’m not very computer savvy, and the few gallery and museum positions I’ve seen expect tech skills I don’t have.
I need $25.000 to be able to keep paying all expenses of the company for the next 3 months and pay the last months of debt..
Educational advise on use of digital services and online marketing tools; financial support to bridge the gap and pay for studio rent and storage locker (which is closed, so I cannot use it)n while I have no income
Financial help. The majority of my income is gone and I’m also worried if I happen to bring in enough commisions to break the $1000 dollar limit that I’ll suddenly have to pay back the CERB when there’s no fair enter that I’ll make enough to compensate for it instead of a couple bucks over $1000. I’m not paid hourly it’s all commision work.
We need financial assistance to keep us afloat so we can pay off our expenses quickly without incurring fees and interest for the first time.
Traction to my online shops at this time is most beneficial so that I can continue to work for some kind of steady money. Businesses that continue to offer free education at this time have been extremely helpful to my mental health (like Skillshare, Class 21, etc).
L’accessibilité à des soins à moindre coût ou remboursable psychologique, une aide sociale ressemblant pourquoi pas à l’intermittence du spectacle en France, la crise actuelle le démontre plus que jamais que le coût minimale de vies a été estimé à 2000$ nous vivons pour la plupart avec moins que cela par mois et devons par la même occasion dépenser beaucoup en entrainement ou en soins osthéo etc pour maintenir notre santé et nos conditions physiques, sans parler rythme de vie qui peut devenir alliénant lorsqu’on cumule les emplois que ce soit si on y parvient dans notre domaine ou autre pour réussir à vivre et payer nos loyers etc. J’aimerais aussi que ma communauté puisse être représenté, que nous sortions de cette crise non pas vers un retour exact à la situation d’auparavant mais que l’on puisse ressortir plus fort, mieux équipés, assurés et soutenu par le gouvernement, que ce soit économiquement ou dans l’aspect médical aussi. Avoir une aide sociale qui nous permette un filet de sécurité.
A vaccine would be the best medicine to cure this disease. Until then actions in support of performing live music and touring. So the goal is to be able to figure out what the industry is going to look like and how it will function in 2021.
Pour le moment, ça va. J’ai le 2000$ du fédéral.
C’est plutôt que nous serons les derniers à retrouver au travail. ( theatre, tournée internationale) Et nous avons été les premiers à stopper. J’ai lu que nous pouvions seulement avoir la prestation d’urgence 4 fois. C’est ma deuxième fois. Je crains le pire.
As a result of the CERB benefit, myself and my band members are ‘okay’ for the next two months, but I fear for the future. We had a Maritime tour planned in August, and although not all venues on this tour have canceled (yet), enough have canceled that I now can’t afford to do the tour, and I will lose all the money I have already invested in this tour, for example the thousands already spent on airfare. As well, my band and I perform 12 different concerts together. These concerts are very theatrical, high calibre shows. In order to keep these shows fresh in our minds and rehearsed, we need time together to perform and rehearse. We use our sound check time in theatres to go through material for other shows, which saves us money on actual rehearsal time. We are a pretty well oiled machine that way. I am now afraid that if we go a year without performing together, it will cost money that I don’t have, to rehearse and get each of our 12 shows back ‘up’ and ready to perform after a year off. Another concern is that I may lose band members if they need to do something else in order to make money and feed their families. I can’t afford to rehearse new players into all shows at AFM rates.
Medical and physical health has suffered and support for that would be incredible. I have very little available for at-home workouts and I lost access to my counsellor. I, of course, could use financial support so that my practice may continue on past the challenges of COVID-19.
I am personally in need of a new approach to my physical well-being in terms of exercise. I do bike and have gone for rides, but there are too many people outside to properly practice social distancing and that I find very concerning.
Anything to help me feel less isolated. The CERB was a great help. Unfortunately I did not qualify for the Toronto Arts Council relief fund as I don’t live in Toronto, even though my gig was with a Toronto based dance company.
Financièrement c’est limite avec le PCU et qu’arrivera-t-il dans 4 mois ? Il faudrait une meilleure communication du politique qui ne parle que de l’INDUSTRIE culturelle et non des artistes ou petits organismes. Chacun de nous est une petite PME. Un apport financier massif aux Conseils des Arts permettrait aux artistes de faire des demandes de bourses pour des projets personnels et libres avec une meilleure chance de financement. Associée à cet argent est une réalisation ou une nouvelle création, donnerait en plus du financier un but, de l’espoir. De plus, pour la société ce serait un « boost » de créativité à découvrir.
A publicist who can do a press release, and media access to promote my book.
My situation has pointed out to me that the current means of supporting lost wages and income that the government is offering are very valuable and important… but that there are a lot of us who are falling through the cracks, unable to qualify for anything. An expansion of funding to support those who have no other source of income but don’t qualify under the current programs is important. I’m not the only one out there who didn’t qualify as having lost a job or lost verifiable income who now has no options. This is urgent for me, but also for a lot of others in the arts who didn’t have paying gigs secured that they can claim as lost income right now.
Professionally: We are still waiting to see how our private foundations will land and if they will be giving for next season.
Need training and support to create online systems to produce online content beyond zoom and Instagram.
Un fond de roulement de 50 000$ pour chaque entreprise cela aiderait à relancer toutes nos activités. Le prêt d’urgence est un back-up important mais c’est de l’endettement cela ne couvre pas nos pertes évaluées en considérant le collatéral à 175 000$ car nous ne pouvons pas faire les argents que nous aurions fait. Les retombées également perdues par cet incident de Covid-19. Nous n’avons jamais eu ou presque de subventions ce serait le temps et on aimerait bien pouvoir continuer ses projets porteurs pour la jeunesse et les familles. Mettons que ceci serait un montant d’urgence nécessaire mais si on veut aller plus loin je pense que c’est entre 250 000$ et 500 000$ que nous aurions vraiment besoin.
Le besoin premier serait un contact humain avec quelques ami.e.s ou personnes de mon entourage, mais ce n’est pas possible. Je me compte tour ne même chanceuse considérant que pour d’autre l’impact est beaucoup plus importante.
De mon côté, c’est plutôt l’incertitude de l’avenir qui me semble problématique. Dans l’immédiat, je ne manque de rien financièrement et le milieu de la danse est très généreux au niveau du soutien psychologique et de l’offre d’entraînement gratuit. Ceci dit, j’angoisse beaucoup plus au niveau du futur. Pourrions-nous savoir si il y aura un retour à la danse ou non? Et quand? Je sais que ce sont des questions difficiles à répondre, mais l’incertitude dans laquelle nous nous trouvons est difficile sur moral et la motivation. Et ce retour aux spectacles et aux répétitions est notre garantie d’un revenu. Dans quelques mois, avec quel argent pourrons-nous payer notre loyer?
Je comptais sur ces deux derniers mois de salaires pour faire mon offre d’achat sur une ferme dans Charlevoix. J’allais aussi faire quelques achats pour équiper mon atelier et aider à ma production, installer ma petite entreprise. Ceci m’aurait permis de devenir autonome à la fin de l’été 2020. Maintenant, c’est plus difficile. financièrement, j’ai un réel besoin d’être compensée pour mon empli perdu et pour ma dépense inévitable et maintenant inutile (atelier, frais de participation à une foire d’artisanat). N’ayant plus accès à mes moyens de créer du revenu autonome (2 ateliers, mon inventaire). C’est le minimum. Mes dépenses et revenus sont limités, donc très calculés. Actuellement, j’ai pour résultats que je tombe directement dans les craques des mesures gouvernementales, et je suis en train de me creuser un trou. En juillet, lorsque j’aurai finalement perdu mon contrat, je serai en grandes difficultés financières, sans moyens de d’obtenir un nouveau contrat ou de participer à de nouvelles ventes. À Montréal, je serai coincée.
Assurance that measures in place now – CERB – for instance will be in place when I need them starting in June?
Any financial support that the government is able to offer at this time, is greatly appreciated. I am fortunate to be in a position where finances are not currently a major concern as I do have a rainy day fund (is quite rainy at the moment), and my wife is deemed essential and is still working and being compensated.
To be honest, it’s not the next three weeks that I worry about. At the moment I’m fine. It’s the long term impact that the COVID-19 pandemic will have on my livelihood that most concerns me. With the possibility that “social distancing” could last for 18 months to 2 years, I wonder how I will be able to support myself if, in fact, school and educational performances to not recover so quickly.
Require a healthy menthal surrounding, positiveness and financial support.
I am happy with the CERB emergency fund. The $1,000 a month does not work for me as my revenues are all in ‘surprise income’. I can make $3000 one month and then nothing for 4 months.
I need to be able to pay my dancers work hours of rehearsal that happened pre-covid that were unable to be paid, as the performances fees were cancelled. Due to travel grant restrictions of eligible expenses I cannot pay 50 hours of rehearsals that were going to be covered by significant performance fees that were not paid.
Mental health support, short-term financial support, childcare assistance.
So far we have been able to respond to those challenges that we are facing personally. In the short run I am more concerned about those who live paycheck to paycheck or day to day, which I, luckily, do not.
Im willing to paint stuff for people to earn some income.–
I sense of what is to come. The current support networks only last a few months, while rent and bills continue to be due. This will be unsustainable for me once government assistance ends. When theatres and schools reopen, I must assume it will be at lower volume, which means job security will be even worse than before.
I need space to do my work. And time to do my work. Homeschooling the kids is killing me, I have no time to myself at all, and no ability to express myself.
Need ways to work with other theatre people on some projects
Some hope. some sense of how i will survive when we cant play shows for years to come. i need some sense that anything will ever be ok again.
Financial support to cover both lost revenue on seasonal contracts and extended funding beyond CERB 4 month limit.
Child care for healthy school age children.
Access to quiet studio space, materials and equipment to complete contracts.
I need to be deemed eligible for the CERB. Since my customers are not buying, I need income to pay bills, to support my two children. I have one son in college and one toddler. The CCB boost will not be enough to keep us afloat and we are not eligible for GST due to my husband’s income. As a newly self employed artist, my expenses far outweigh my income right now. The CERB needs to be expanded more to include people like me who are falling through the cracks. People who made less than $5000 last year. I worked so hard to earn the little income I did get, but it just wasn’t enough for the government to consider me worth supporting. My marriage has been strained due to the COVID-19 situation, due to my loss of income and loss of any income I would have earned in March, April, and May, and throughout the summer.
Really, I feel very privileged. I grew up in financially-precarious circumstances, and to be safe and fed during this time is an enormous gift, and I am aware that most artists are in more precarious situations. That said, to be entirely cut off from all social support (just like I was as a new mother!) is (re)traumatizing. I worry about my child’s mental health. I resent not being able to work, but since my income is relatively negligible, my work is not the priority.
(There are no categories in your multiple choice questions to account for people who work in unpaid domestic labour and caregiving.)
Avoir le droit de voir des amis en personne et marcher à moins de deux mètres d’eux. Ne conserver les restrictions que pour les personnes à risque.
Money to take care of paying rent, food, phone and utilities bills. I also have a manager so she needs to be paid. Website upkeep fees, Netflix (actor support), natural medicine and health related costs.
There are 4 people living in my household and we need to be able to cover costs such as property tax, insurances, car payments, telecommunications, utilities and food and personal hygene needs. Three of us are majorly impacted financially by Covid-19 – we are all working in the arts, entertainment and arts education sector. The fourth member of our household is a student, who is not able to work this summer and has chosen to sign up for online courses instead.
Without help from the government, we would have to go into our retirement savings to keep up with our routine expenses.
So far we are getting along well with each other and we have the bonus of having a yard to step outside. If the social distancing goes on for a long time, I can imagine it getting harder to remain levelheaded and friendly with everyone.
It is hard not to be able to visit with family and friends – we stay in contact via virtual video calls. I also have family overseas and they are impacted by Covid-19 as well. One relative had her hours reduced to 0 in the tourism business and another lives in a care home for the elderly. I worry about both of them.
I feel that my family is doing okay for now. We consider ourselves lucky.
I have just applied for the CERB and am very grateful that is there to help us, and happy to hear about the adjustments for contract workers. Mental health is probably top of mind for me, as this is hugely stressful, and has triggered past anxiety and depression that I’ve been dealing with.
Work prospects. I have a place to live, I have applied for assistance. I have medical coverage.
Not knowing when the economy will get back to whatever normal is its hard to make plans for work. I think the arts community needs to be more closely connected through social media.webinars via zoom Facebook live etc.
I need a basic minimum income to survive. I don’t think a loan would work. How would I pay it back when normally I am struggling to pay bills? This will affect me for at least two years. I have to find other work probably.
Financial relief and industry support. Depending on how long this goes on for, I may need to find a new line of work, in which case education would be helpful. My partner has benefits through their work but we can’t afford to even pay the deductible right now so I’m not able to pursue therapy right now.
Financial help, legal help
Most ungently, I require financial help to continue to create art. At this point, we barely pay rent and groceries. If I purchase paint, we hold off on buying something else.
J’aimerais m’assurer d’un revenu universel de base le reste de l’année qui puisse compenser pour les 20,000$ perdus, peu importe mon accès à d’autres sources de revenus. En musique, on a toujours plusieurs sources de revenus, et cest ainsi qu’on s’assure de vivre de notre art. Je fais de la musique de film (ce qui continue en ce moment) mais ces revenus m’empêcheront de toucher à l’argent de la CPU à laquelle je veux avoir accès pour amoindrir le choc du 20,000$ perdu en annulations de tournées.
J’ai reçu une bourse de déplacement du CALQ juste avant la quarantaine sauf qu’ils ne peuvent pas me la donner la bourse si j’arrive pas a remonter ma tournée, ce qui est très difficile pour l’instant. J’aimerais Au Moins que les billets d’avion de mes musiciens soient remboursés. De plus, je ne peux pas changer les noms sur ces billets donc je ne pourrais même pas essayer de les vendre à d’autres gens. Je suis vraiment découragée par la situation. Pour le reste, je me tiens correctement. Je suis seule avec mon chat mais je reste actif physiquement et au niveau de la créativité heureusement.
Ce qui est difficile présentement, c’est tout ce qui a trait à la planification. Les impacts sur le milieu du livre sont difficile à mesurer. Pour le moment, les subventionnaires ont avancé des liquidités sur les subventions à verser pour 2020-2021. Cela comble les besoins immédiats, mais reporte le problème à plus tard… Comment prévoir le publications à venir dans un tel contexte ? Nous espérons que les subentionnaires seront cléments sur les objectifs à atteindre pour 2020-2021… Ce sera une année très difficile !
my mental health practitioner is still able to work online however financially we are reaching a crisis.
My daughter is also out of work but she does not qualify for any assistance as she was doing mostly babysitting work, but she is also not able to continue paying for her online lessons.
Universal basic income. Not everyone is getting the current benefit. Just for the obvious, people already on e.i. may not qualify? Or might qualify, but aren’t getting the money for some reason? A whole lot of people are slipping through the cracks here.
We are very grateful for the CERB which we both qualify for and have applied for. However I worry about what will happen when that money runs out. Theatre in this country is not going to bounce back in 4 months.
Monetary assistance that doesn’t require lump sums to be taken off at tax time. More funding to physical health.
I have applied for the emergency funding created by the Federal Government as of April 6. I have yet to receive the fund but understand that there should be no obstacle. However, while they are offering $2000 per person per month, it strictly advises that you cannot have any other source of income. This is really tricky for artists like myself. What if I manage to sell one small painting for $500 per month? That hardly covers it. I have applied on the presumption that I will make no sales for a while. I have yet to negotiate a break with rent on the studio space, but hope that my landlord will be approachable on this.
Studio cost support primarily. Studios in cities are hard to find ….there are 12 artists sharing this space and we all draw good things from being together
Health care
Kids need to be back in school as soon as possible. Businesses that can operate safely should be allowed to do so whether or not they are deemed “essential”. Allowing businesses to earn money for future growth and maintenance of their company (collecting deposits for future sessions, sales of prints from past sessions, etc.) Without having this income penalized along with collecting CERB. Our goal should be supporting business to recover as quickly as possible when this is all over. Not charging additional interest on deferral amounts for mortgages. Ease of access to quality mental health support. Reduction of fear tactics – for example closing down golf courses. This sport is very easily done within social distancing parameters and is absolutely essential to many as a way to get out and have a sense of normalcy. People must have hope or I fear there will be resistance.
Easy access to mental health help. This isolation, and feeling that I’m failing my family by not making money this year, associating my worth with the amount of money I make each year is an issue I can’t seem to get past.
Financial help until at least October 2020
I need financial support to help make up the lost income. I need money to cover my basic expenses, like food rent and bills. I have lost approximately 80% of my income. Because I am still making some money, I am not currently eligible for the CREB. I don’t want to completely shut down my business, that I have worked for the last 4 years to build, and hurt my relationship
I discovered yesterday that I do not qualify for the BC rent subsidy program that was announced weeks ago by John Horgan when everyone was panicking about paying rent. I feel mislead by my provincial government. My partner and myself are both out of work (retail, service and music industries). I feel unsupported by my local musicians union who recently sent out an email saying ‘make the most of it, take this time to practice you instrument’. I feel depressed and unmotivated.
I need more support from my local union. I need tangible solutions. I need financial support. I’ve reached out to CBC about the new single and have been working with a publicist. I need CBC to expand their support of artists to not just the same circle of already established, Toronto based artists. Our Canadian music industry needs to support more women and POC. Our country needs to start caring about what happens outside of Toronto and offer support to non-Ontario artists that are already trying so hard to keep their head above water, all while making the best art of their lives.
I need the government to open up the interest free loans to small businesses without a payroll. If there isn’t help soon, all my 8 years of hard work will be closing my doors. My overhead is too much to bear with no income coming in.
Some certainty around what I *can* do. Right now I am turnin away work that fits within social distancing guidelines because if I make any money, I am not eligible for CERB. So rather than being able to decrease what the government is paying me, and still make enough to survive, I am wholly dependant on the government.
I keep money saved in my business account so I have cash to work with for now. We all need a vaccine so that we can get back to work safely.
Most urgently I need some sort of an income complement. I am left with about $200/week so don’t qualify for CERB, so would like to have an income complement of $300/week to reach $500/week, like CERB.
Honestly most of it. Financial for sure. Although I have received my $2,000 CERB funds, I know that will be taxed in the future. So really, any purchases now for food and essential services make me nervous of how much of that I am spending. I am also very nervous to head back to work as this was a toxic environment to begin with, now with the added stress it might be extra.
Short term: A house to go to in the Sackville area, or barring that a house in N.B. until the state of emergency passes. We will pay for utilities and take care of house and gardens. Ideally furnished. If not furnished, help to get a truck to transport our bed and other necessities until we can get to Ontario.
Ideally we need a philanthropist! Someone who understands the decades of heart work, hard work and spiritual work we have offered to our communities over the years of our career to provide enough income for us to get through this year until Glenn’s tours begin again, an empty house that we can move into for a year rent-free (and this would mean we wouldn’t have to let go of everything we own), or a combination of both. We can be your personal bards!
The CERB goes a long way to relieving most of my financial concerns. But while my small indie theatre company is ineligible for benefits, there are ongoing expenses, as we maintain storage for props and costumes, and carry insurance–costs that we offset with income from the shows we do. There are a lot of small indie arts groups that may go under. Similarly, I am very concerned about the theatre where we produce most of our work, as its existence depends on rental income from companies like mine. In neither case would a business loan be helpful, as there would be no way to pay it back. A program that covered carrying costs for the small enterprises that do not qualify for other benefits will be critical for keeping alive the small businesses that make life in Ottawa vibrant.
I am quite happy with the emergency aid from the government. However, I am afraid of taking any chances of earning even small paychecks because I think that would disqualify me from receiving the CERB benefit. That is scary because I don’t want to be disqualified from those funds that I really need just because a painting of mine happened to sell (hypothetically). Also, I hope that prices of food don’t skyrocket because that is a huge expense for my household.
Besoin financier, besoin de soutien psychologique pour anxiété assez importante.
Du temps pour penser à me relever du ce dur coup. J’ai 4 jeunes enfants qui sont maintenant à la maison, je n’ai pas le temps de réfléchir à comment affronter et utiliser positivement cet embûche. De plus, je crains de ne pas avoir de budget pour ma promotion annuelle du mois de mai et juin.
Mental health guidance
Since I was not paid my fee before the decision to cancel was made, I would mostly need the financial support, especially to be able to get through this period of isolation and still be able to pay for my rent.
Rent relief, freeze, assistance would benefit us greatly. Staff costs would also be great but not essential if preference given.
I am currently moving my business onto an online platform, so it is a bit of a challenge. Will need emergency business funds. Also taking this opportunity to do some classes and courses that will benefit my business as well. Opening up different payment platforms and marketing different sale platforms. Mentally this can be a challenging time, I have to rethink my entire business, restructure my entire business, and relearn an entire new platform for distribution.
I need money to keep my small business afloat. Pay the bills that can not be deferred. Insurance, credit cards, loans.
I’m afraid of what the situation will be economically once CERB is no longer available, what is the plan for all of us self employed arts workers. I think I should be preparing to leave the industry and could use funding or access to online education and certifications for career courses.
I need to be eligible for some kind of government assistance. I am not eligible for CERB as I am still doing minimal jobs for clients. I am not eligible for ei as I am self employed.
It will be a struggle to pay mortgage, property tax, insurance etc just like everyone else. My wish is for everyone to pull together, do the right things and get through this as soon as possible. Then we can get back to what we do.
Financial aid for rent, food, and utilities. Access to mental health services; counselling, support groups. Access to dentistry service, medical supplies (syringes for Hormone Replacement Therapy), medication (inhalers, hormones).
Financial only, since I do not need other support right now. Thank you so much for your concerns about artists.
Up to now we have had generous benefactors helping us which meant we could get up to date on bills and fill the fridge, out but that has run out and we are unsure what the future holds financially. We have been live streaming and have had a few tips but we haven’t cracked the “give us all your money” code yet. Trying to get our teen to go back to studying for grade 11 is a challenge as she is struggling with the no social life/no job and is not motivated. Somehow I understand. The older DD was denied EI as her hours were 40 short of qualifying – that’s 1 week! So she can’t contribute to the house financially.
Money, and as importantly, debt relief. I would propose a new maximum amount of interest on credit card debt; and perhaps legislation to suspend the compounding of the interest. Even a change to say 9% non-compound interest (from the current 19% compounded interest) will help keep heads above water.
I don’t need much. Still living at my parents and I qualified for CERB so that will help. Been taking online tutorials to help pass the time
Simply, I require government assistance that accounts for the realities of my situation. I have been forced by the government to sacrifice my livelihood to fight this pandemic, yet I have been offered nothing in return for that sacrifice. I need real financial assistance to get me through, not debt or imaginary “interest free loans” through tax deferrals that provide an unrealistic repayment timeline.
The government cannot expect the brunt of this pandemic to be borne by some members of our society, such as essential workers, gig workers and very small businesses with nothing in return, which is exactly what is happening. We need financial help and we need it now.
We need fast action on EI benefits, we need to be allowed to self isolate, and not be pressured into job search by the EI system; when we return to the theatre we must be in good health because it will be a long and hard press to be ready for Opening night.
The thing that I require most urgently is financial aid. It remains to be seen whether or not I will be eligible for the CERB, so financial aid will be a major point for me. Depending on what happens there I may require some mental health support, but at the moment I am doing ok.
I’m okay now but really scared of what will happen over the next few months.
My wife works in health care, and she’s been picking up extra shifts so that helps a bit, but what I need is to be able to apply for this CERB thingy and know that even though I’m making some money, I’m still going to be able to benefit from it.
I require mostly financial necessity to live. I have just lost the salary I was supposed to make until the end of the year. My mental health has also decreased- now that I have lost my job, I have no way to afford counselling (which would have been somewhat covered by my place of employment).
My main concerns are financial: mortgage, bills, food (of which costs are rising), insurance, property taxes, and income taxes are all on my mind. I’m worried that if I get even one gig back within the next couple of months I will thenceforth be ineligible for the CERB (since I have not worked at all since March 16, I am able to apply for the initial payment), but that one gig wouldn’t be enough to carry me through an entire month. Physically, I am asthmatic so going for groceries, however rarely, is stressful because I am afraid of a serious outcome if I do contract COVID-19. In terms of mental health, like most, I am feeling some anxiety about the unknown effects the virus will have on my community – how bad will it get, who do I know who it might affect, are we prepared, etc.
An income supplement would be helpful.
Financial is key at the moment but I also lack the regular mental health resources I had. I have a disability and my health care team is in stand by for now.
I worry about my family because they were not able to return to Canada 🇨🇦 as visitors dues to the pandemic. I wanted my mother to be close to me in case she needed help because she recently had heart problems and Bruno is. She lives in Mexico 🇲🇽 and the access to health care is limited because they have privatized hospitals and medical practitioners.
I am fortunately in a good financial situation thanks to my husband still being able to work from home, and that we own our house and have no mortgage. The support I am finding most useful just now is the online fitness options and performers sharing their work through #CanadaPerforms.
Chiefly my need is for money for my medications, clothing, and food. I would MUCH rather have people commission artwork from me than simply give me a handout. I am able to do some work (although with mental health struggles my capacity for work is admittedly not as high as usual). But meaningful work is also a great support for my mental health. I also feel like I need more clinical mental health support, as I have chronic mental health conditions that have been greatly exacerbated by this crisis. I recently finished a long course of mental health therapy, but I would go back again now if the waiting list were shorter.
I need financial support to cover the steady income I’ve lost, without being forced to close my online shop and destroy the business I’ve worked so hard to build. I’d love to see funding that would help me improve my internet connection so I can move my art classes online until I can go back to teaching and demonstrating in a physical classroom.
I was not able to pay my rent for April, and my landlord is a decent man. As far as I know, he only owns the house I rent.
I am not confident I will be able to afford rent for both April and May with just the CERB, but I do not want to take on any gigs if it means I cannot receive the CERB, because realistically, I’ll probably only be able to make an extra $500 if I’m lucky. I took on side gigs here and there even when I was employed full-time (I wasn’t making much more than minimum wage).
I also think we should encourage grocery stores and laundromats to remain 24 hours if they normally operate that way to make social distancing easier. I don’t think restricting hours makes sense at all, it just makes shopping even more stressful under the current state. I also think grocery workers deserve MUCH higher compensation for what they’re doing, and someone needs to act on that promptly.
I need a therapist. My regular therapist is booked until September, I have tried to sign up for a matching service and gone to someone else in my therapists’ office, but I am not receiving any responses. I’ve thought about death more than I ever have in the past two weeks. I need money, and I need help with housing. Even though I am returning to Toronto June 1st, it might still not be safe to go to my apartment. If I get my roommates sick, it will be my fault forever that they died. They will live in fear that my vigilance will falter and I will give them the virus. I’d rather not live there right now, but outside the pandemic, it is an ideal living situation and the stress of having to move again has caused me to have panic attacks. I have been living out of a suitcase since March 2019, and moved into this place in December 2019. I have never stayed there for a full month yet. All I want is to get back there, but not if it risks lives. So I need temporary housing to protect my roommates. My parents can provide that in Saskatoon, but in TO I will have to pay out of pocket for a place.
Financial help. If I can receive the gov’t CERB assistance, it will help for now.
I am going to look at the federal application for financial help for my husband. I don’t qualify as I make under $5000 a year from my art. I have great family, friends and artist connections I can reach out to.
I need to crowds to make a living. A universal basic income and government support would be great.
Financial, mental health, some educational resources for kids, a way to get groceries if I do get sick
I need to know that there is money coming in to cover the bills each month. That is my most urgent need.
My reality is staying afloat financially and looking at work options in the near future if necessary
For me, adjustments to the eligibility rules for CERB to fully address the realities of the gig economy is what is most necessary. Many of us have multiple income streams and that if 3 of the 4 get shut off, it doesn’t mean that the one remaining is a living wage (or even a fraction of one in some cases).
I think financially I am fine because I have a pension from my former employer. However I am terrified that the galleries that represent me will not be able to survive this current pandemic situation. I’ve waited a long time to pursue my artistic career and it looks like my dreams may be taken away from me. To me this is tragic in itself. The money I was making from paintings was only supplementing my retirement. My identity as an artist is threatened and that is my entire identity.
$300 honorarium lost with the cancellation
Incidental expenses from ordering special tools and supplies to complete the project
Reserved air ticket not refunded.
Financial support is the biggest one. But because of the nature of my work, I need financial support while also having the ability to make some income and not be penalized. As the CERB stands right now, I will have to turn down work in order to be eligible. This work wouldn’t be enough to sustain me, but it would help me keep producing and connecting with my community which is important. Mental health support would also be good. I live alone, so this is very challenging. Also, getting the OAC to be very flexible with changing parameters for grants already given, but where events have been postponed (over a year out).
We need our gallery rent paid for and out bills. I think I responded to most of that in the first question. The rest is almost $4000 a month before utilities. I am also extremely concerned the artists will not sell as much work after this and that many artists may not be able to pay their rent in full or even in part.
Funds to buy groceries and pay bills.
I would say financial primarily because I still have bills to pay – my car, my rent, groceries and phone bills.. nothing has been stopped due to this.
Mental health is huge but I have found some great outlets to keep me sane.
Education so I could use this time to certify myself as I’ve never gone to post secondary, so it would be a perfect time to learn a new skill to put forward towards my business
The government needs to offer financial support so I can pay utilities, buy food, etc. Funding should allow me to continue to teach the very few students who want online lessons, so I can help support those students through these tough times and also so I don’t have to build up an entirely new teaching base after COVID-19 precautions are lifted.
I definitely need financial help to pay my rent, groceries. I still have some credits that need to be paid. Internet and cellphone bill. This financial uncertainty has been hard on my mental health. Self isolation and being alone in Canada with my family in Russia… I worry about my parents. I worry about my friends. I’m definitely depressed. And I would love to be able to talk to a professional about my mental state. I love being in nature. It’s where I find strength to be me and push forward. With this virus, I barely leave my house and it is hard.
Art sales. I was anticipating buying a used vehicle that will be more reliable for my family. The $20,000.00 or more that I would have earned would have secured my family’s needs for the next few months as well as afforded us the vehicle we need.
Thankfully, I have a very good amount of emotional and medical support. My needs are mainly financial and help finding work that I can reasonably and safely do in this time given my skills and limitations (I am asthmatic and am prone to catch viruses and so have to be quite careful). I have background work in admin, writing, recruiting but all were highly specific (recruitment was in entertainment), or short engagements to fill in the gaps around creative endeavours so positions that have significant technical requirements would require training before I could fill them.
Support with how to navigate through online applications both provincially and federally. I finally got thru on the provincial one and was declined – I think I put in the wrong dates. We need to opportunities for people to connect online – many of us are isolated and trying to figure out how we are going to pay the bills. We need support (financial and strategic advice) for the not for profit I chair as we have no income and have had to cancel our film festival (a major source of revenue for us). We need input on how to survive this. We need to find ways to connect people, ways to stay physically fit, mental health support, financial support, and ongoing support so we can express ourselves creatively and to share this experience. (I am not feeling very eloquent or focused these days or I would let you share my comments – it has been a tough time for my household and community)
Nexy three weeks do not concern me.
Rent freeze and credit card interest freeze. Universal Basic Income that doesn’t have so many barriers that prohibit gig/freelance workers from applying because sometimes clients pay weeks or months later. A trickle of income we’re not expecting could ruin CERB applications for many. Ability to still go outside in our own neighbourhoods to get fresh air and exercise while observing social distancing. Closing off parts of roads so people who need to be out are able to observe social distancing while not fearing getting run over by drivers who are speeding on streets. Help for people who aren’t coping with the state of how things are progressing so fast. Help for those living with abusive people.
I am hoping that the CERB will help, but fear that this crisis will have effects that last far longer than the four months CERB is in place.
- Personal financial support for food and rent
- Financial support to cover my studio rental
Personal financial support for food and rent
Financial help for studio rental
Flexibility to be able to change time tables on federal and provincial grant applications.
Most urgently I require some emergency funding to help with the loss of wages to support my family and studio at this time. A rent freeze seems logical considering the loss of business revenue.
I have extended family support and live with my husband, so I am coping ok mentally in that respect. I did contract what I believe was a mild case of COVID-19 and was able to shelter at home successfully. My big issue is loss of work. That is a huge stress. As a freelancer, the bulk of my work is in schools and libraries and consequently ALL of my gigs have been cancelled including a major summer contract.
Most urgently, I could use financial assistance, as my husband is also a freelancer and had all his work cancelled as well.
I need an occupancy permit to be issued on my condo, and to move into it as soon as possible so that I can stabilize my family through this crisis.
I am fortunate to be well supported financially at home, so there are no life needs required. Most needed would be contact with other artists some which is happening through media but really there is nothing like face to face. Physically we are walking when possible but I miss going to the Y for aquafit and yoga which were definitely necessary for health reasons. It is hoped that we will have the studio tour in October, although some days that seems very unlikely. There is of course fear, uncertainty, and concern for the future.
I will need financial support for myself and my husband, who is also almost out of work due to COVID-19. and more than what is being offered right now. If we both apply for subsidies it’s still not enough to pay rents at my studio, our house and his shop.
Financial support to pay our mortgage/bills.
I will be alright financially for the month of April, but I will need help for May and beyond.
I made just under 5000 last year so I don’t qualify for CERB but lost out on potential sales of over 15000! Hard to say what I would have sold for sure…An opportunty to show my art and make more sales would be helpful at this critical time, as my husband was also laid off and we have 2 children to provide for.
Financial assistance. Both options currently out are not good options the 75/25 option doesn’t work for us as we have no work to be done, as we can’t operate. Then taking a 40k loan out from the CDC is also not a great option either since we operate on such a shoestring budget in the first, a 40k loan would sink us.
Rent freeze is a good option. Or make that 40k fully forgivable.
I am lucky, to be honest, because the government has stopped student loan payments until September. This made up for a lot of my lost income. That said, it means my repayment time will be even longer than it already was. In the long term, debt forgiveness from the government would be the most beneficial.
I have financial aid in the form of EI coverage and whatever other benefits that I am able to apply for federally or provincially. I have medical and mental health support, with extended coverage through my husband’s work – he works for an essential service provider and still has full-time work. My workplace has been very supportive of me and my colleagues with offers of encouragement, assistance and further information as needed. I am lucky – I have most of what I need in terms of external aid, whereas I know many others do not. At this point, what I need most are things largely under my own control.
The EI amount will be sufficient if it comes through, but I’ve never applied before and the process is very slow so far. I don’t know what to expect.
Money. It’d be amazing to have my money paid back from the airlines who are going to get bailed out anyway. It’d be even nicer if Sussex Realty, who are a large enough player in the rental business across North America, paid me my rent back and cancelled the remainder of my payments considering I’ve been out of work for over a month already.
- Financial assistance
- Professional assistance – stage, film, tv and voice over work have all been impacted by COVID-19. My industry has changed. I am now being asked to audition for projects by self-taping at home. This requires filming equipment, special lighting, computer & editing skills, etc. Voice auditions & work are now only available to artists who can provide their own professional home studio and equipment (mics, computer programs, sound proofing). I would invest in equipment to be able to work but cannot as I must now live off of any previous savings.
Financial support, rent/bill relief
Community support. We’re all in this together. Hopefully my art will bring happiness to someone, as my boyfriends music surely will. Art and music will get us through these hard times. It always has. Support small business and the arts!
We are looking to recoup financially to help offset the debt we are in as a band. We stretched our credit out purchasing gear, taking time off work to book and launch this massive run as well as finish the 4 EPs we were to be releasing on the road (the 1st is avl already, its called “Bright Side Bandits”. With the money we owe the recording studio & mixing engineer, the money we owe our bank & no income on the horizon, we are hoping to find $10,000 to help us get over the hump. Again, happy to provide all documents if this reaches a real set of eyes.
I immediately need enough money to cover my bills and living expenses. I would also like to have access to a grant ($10,000) to kick in this fall so I can work on rebuilding the shortfall and time away from connecting with potential buyers. For myself, supplies and time to put together a project over the winter would be ideal. I also need some kind of grant for a ventilation system in my studio. I am a starving artist. My kiln in the basement does not have proper venting and it puts my health at risk, but I haven’t had money to cover that.
I would just like to be able to apply for assistance. I can get by with the social distancing but financially the loss of income is going to be tough.
I expect to need to apply for emergency benefits to offset at least part of my lost income. This need will become more accute if my employer (a church, whom I serve half-time as music director) stops paying me. I do not qualify for EI or CERB as presently configured.
Coming May rent is of concern and needed most urgently, as All workshops have been cancelled as well for April and possibly May. No one knows how long this covid-19 will impact us, and so some organizations, have been rescheduling workshops from March and April to June and as far ahead as October. Grocery bills will be paid from savings, but savings are limited and may last for 3 months. Fortunately I do not have any debts to repay, and so, my expenses are low. Clothing I am not worried about, nor transportation which here in Vancouver transit is free until the covid-19 crisis has been reassessed (which will likely coincide with work resuming as well).
Legal needs. I have 3 unpaid contracts, and I’m struggling to get paid for services rendered before March 13th. I’m afraid the two companies that owe me money will declare bankruptcy, and I will never get paid.
Financial needs. I need to be able to pay all my bills, and NOT have to dig through my savings any more.
Moving; I have to move from my apartment, and since I can’t ask for help without endangering myself, I’ll have to hire people with my hard-earned money.
Thankfully, we can hold over financially for now so mainly I need help with my mental health. I have reconnected with my psychologist but am only covered to see her 4 times a year. I also want to set up my will and power of attorney, just in case, and I am am part-time PhD student trying to complete a major take-home exam and, from what I have heard thus far, the university does not want to provide any extensions.
I need help with my rent. I’m still working just enough (for now) to pay my basic bills and food. I have nothing for rent. If the government won’t help me with CERB, at least covering my rent while I can manage the rest would make this sustainable for the near future.
I can manage for the next 3 weeks with the Canada Emergency Relief Benefit, but beyond that it is the risk to my total annual income that is the issue. If I make any sales over the next few weeks, I am not sure if I will qualify for the CERB,
My current critical need is financial. Government financial aid has been far too slow for freelancers and those working in arts & culture. I’ve been borrowing money privately from people to meet my rent and put some noodles in my stomach. I’m scrambling to find occasional work like teaching workshops online, but these efforts bring in minimal money. Based on the CERB guidelines, which do not take into account how freelancers and gig economists survive, I will have to stop all efforts so that I will not be disqualified if someone pays me $100 a week to teach a workshop that takes me 15 hours to put together. This seems like an appropriate time to try Universal Basic Income which would ensure that no Canadians are left behind.
I will need financial help most urgently. This is the time of year that I was supposed to see my first influx of sales as the tourist season starts, and now that won’t happen. I have already spent money to purchase the materials for stock that will now be hard to sell.
I feel that freelancers who are also renters ( commercial and residential) will need legal advice, as we don’t seem to have representation in policy making, and we will need help to break through and be heard.
Most of the rental help on a commercial level doesn’t help for businesses with less than 5 employees.
On a residential level I believe that we need help to have rent frozen. Deferralls will not help because deferrals just delay the blow. Deferalls mean we have to pay it all back later and that just isn’t an option for most of us. A lot of us live in poverty to begin with, so when we do go back to work, we will be paycheque to paycheque again. So how can people in that situation cope with pack-paying 2-3 months of rent at once.
I need funding to by groceries and pay mortgage. I can’t prove loss of income against my sales tax or income until the next quarter. What can I do? I live with high anxiety and fibromyalgia and these few weeks have been hard to get one foot in front of the other. I need to be able to book my gol to book my performances and retreats to help others get ahead. It’s quite a domino effect that multiplied the losses to artist, crafters, musicians, charities. My performance is extremely unique and it needs PR and marketing and work to obtain sponsors. None of this is able to be achieved but we shall try. I have a very diverse business and fear I will not qualify for support this contributes to the stress. Thank Ming everyone for getting support for artists and all you do to care for us. Let’s hope we all can ride out the storm
I need enough money to feed my kids. Pay my bills. And if there was something to cover counselling–I don’t have a health plan–that would be great, because trying to pull your socks up and get back to writing when you are mentally not very well is a challenge.
I’m actually okay. Money would always be nice. I’m losing a lot of money not working on this gig. EI does cover my bills, but nothing more. My retirement savings aren’t growing. I was trying to save to buy a house, but that fund is deflating. I’ve been too scared to go to the doctor for a recurring, non-COVID-19problem. I should go, but my anxiety is really high.
I require money to pay my rent and bills. I expect to receive financial assistance from the CERB.
I will need financial support the most. I am also worried about not being able to help my mom out who is recovering from cancer treatments.
I need a basic income to cover my monthly living costs including mortgage payments, food, car (I live in a rural area), power, etc. If there was an affordable insurance option for self employed individuals, that would be great as well.
I have some pension and living needs . I live on my own but so far feel supported by online and phone etc contacts from family and friends. As a painter who spends a lot of time alone I am quite good at living this way but I have anxiety about how long this will go on for; being apart from my family and as a senior hoping I will stay healthy. I live on a small budget and I feel I have to limit what I want to make because materials are expensive and the economic effects of COVID-19 will mean that it may be a long time before I would be able to recoup any outlay of expenses. I won’t stop making art, but it may have to be different than I had planned.
Financial support is huge. That’s the main one. Also education for people on how to utilize virtual platforms to continue to offer experiences and get donations or paid. I think also access to mental health services is huge. Most people can’t afford to see a therapist which is so important right now.
1. Medical coverage
2. Access to continuity in mental health, as a sexual assault victim I have acquired ptsd and have a hard time feeling safe, and I make little progress when I’m feeling that way so I either need group therapy of some kind or one on one with the same female therapist
3. Financial support or alternative referral plans for 3rd party mortgages. My third party mortgage company has neither offered options for deferral, nor reduced the rate at the same rate that the banks have reduced their rates. I’m guessing lots of artists didn’t have reliable enough money like salaries and so any who do own homes (I know it’s rare) will likely be not receiving this type of support that others are.
$$$ Cash flow to help pay household bills etc. My husband is on a pension now, so less income coming in.
Our son will be moving back from university soon and that will increase the grocery bill, internet and electricity as well.
He has no income, so we will be supporting him. through this.
I would like to be able to help musicians I know who will be in trouble.
My mental health is struggling. I was about to start medication for ADHD but now I need to be saving money. I was hoping to pay off my debt by the summer or fall but there isn’t much hope of that now. I don’t know what July rent will look like and I don’t know whether to find a job or just purposefully make nothing as a freelancer in hopes that CERB will help. Immediately I feel I need community-based structures to enforce a routine and accountability in my artistic practice.
A lot of artists are giving their services for free online such as workshops. While this is so good for the community many artists are giving to the common good but are not recieving any compensation for their time and craft. It would be great to get paid for online courses and workshops.
I need help with basic bills to keep my household safe and healthy. Hydro, water, property taxes, car insurance, house insurance, groceries and supplies. Right now, without revenue coming in, but automatic payments still going out, I am paying for everything I can with credit cards that are already late so interest is gathering rapidly.
Luck. I’ve got a plan, I’m moving to the country to work on a farm, where labour is scarce and food is plentiful. I need to stay healthy, both in terms of avoiding COVID-19 and in terms of being physically fit.
Financial assistance that extends Beyond 3-month window. For a lot of people in the event sector, we work crazy hours and multiple contracts over the spring and summer which represents the vast majority of our income. It’s a high intensity, short duration season of 4 to 5 months wherein we have to make 80 to 90% of our income for the entire year. So the notion of 2 Grand a month for 3 months is well, well below what independent contractors in the event sector actually need to bridge the entire 2020 season into 2021.
There are so many artists and arts worker offering classes, advice, content online for the benefit of everyone – but all for free. This is fine if you choose this and you are comfortable with it. But I lost my teaching job and someone response was that I put my classes online for free. That labour is worth something to me- I was doing to be paid for those instructions. It doesn’t have to be money, maybe some groceries or a trade of skill, or donate what you can. It feels like artists are supporting the world right now particularly through social media, but they are not getting compensated. Organized opportunities for artists to be paid or compensated for their online efforts (and have this be discussed or acknowledged publicly) would be appreciated and set a precedent that this work is valuable work.
Money. Full stop.
Personally I would like to be able to get some short-term help to cover the contracts I’ve lost. I need the government to understand the idea of a lost “gig” – it is not like losing ones job or regular income but the loss of a single contract while possibly others go on, but the loss makes planning impossible and destabilizes everything. It’s no “all or nothing” but a very delicate balancing act. Not so urgent but need assurance from granting organizations that these project delays and cancellations will not hurt future funding applications. I fear the future of cultural funding on all levels.
Hubby is immuno-compromised. Son lives here and works in eldercare facility. We’re at-risk more than some families. Food costs are up. Delivery fees are up. Just $500 per month would help a lot, would help me settle and be able to write. It’s hit and miss now.
I’m grateful for the arts community’s emotional and psychological support. I’ve met many writers over the years and developed wonderful friendships. These keep me going.
Finances are key. I am trying to service accumulated debt for the show that did not happen in London, nevermind cover ongoing costs of day to day.
I need legal help to update my will to cover additional contingencies if the designated guardians for my children are ill or deceased, and legal guidance with respect to my business if I should become ill or deceased, e.g., how to manage passwords etc. I have rebooked some travel due to the pandemic, though lack of certainty regarding the end of the pandemic may cause the dates to be rescheduled again or cancelled. Working through related cancelation charges with my clients may require legal assistance. While I’m able to care for my children, I’m not able to continue growing my business, creating new assets, and marketing my existing products. As a sole proprietor, I don’t qualify for EI. I can only estimate the financial impact.
Financial aid.
Affordable access to professional mental health counselling.
Permission to access my family safely.
I require mostly financial aid, which hopefully the CERB will help with. However, what is affecting me most is the disappoint of not being able to perform in those shows that I worked so hard to book and was so looking forward to performing in. It’s not about losing the money for me, it’s about losing the opportunity to be in a show that I have had on my bucket list for years with other actors who I was so excited to work with.
Basically we really need money. Combining the hope of government assistance with a stipulation that neither of us can receive ANY payments for any work that might still trickle in means we have to live on $0 for the 2 week period, plus the application period (another potential 10 days). A family of four with two arts worker parents with 0 dollars coming in for almost one month is very scary. We are still paying our mortgage, food, heat bill, etc during this time period so it is creating a lot of anxiety.
With my singing church job we were never given contracts. We were never given any cancellation clause or force majeure. In both my church singing job and my teaching position, we’re treated and expected to behave like staff but with none of the benefits that come with being a staffperson. I would love legal advise on how to proceed to see if myself or others in my organization could get assistance legally.
Some kind of financial compensation ($1000/wk) to help supplement our lost revenue due to the impacts of COVID-19.
Access to mental health and wellness workers, and money to provide for THEIR increased workload — I would not expect therapists or counsellors to work for free in the midst of this crisis.
Money for the education I am planning to start on September 28th of this year — some of which was to be self-funded; some of which I am hoping will be provided by OSAP.
Financial, Family, education and mental health are all supports that I don’t have anymore because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was really counting on that group exhibit to get us buy the next few months. My son is special needs with Autism so being able to structure a new routine for him at home is my main goal. I don’t really have time to create anything if the children are home and I am homeschooling them.
Mental health support, health insurance, community
I need… for everything to just get back to normal… for the fog to lift… for this bad dream to just be over. My business as a theatre producer is suffering. My own work as an actor has simply vanished. I need (that ugly word) money. It’s that simple. We do so much for free… and even now, we are performing for free, doing our best to cheer people up online. I’m working on how to get on the ground running when it’s all over, so that I don’t lose my theatre. It’s hard. We do this for love, not money… but we still need some money… just enough money.
Financial assistance at least to cover the money owed as I am retired and recieving a partial pension, as after 25 years in my position with the City of Calgary, I left to return to school. The bills for the materials I had paid for must be paid, and the venues are closed, so I assume there will be no payment until reopening. I had counted on teaching or sales of work to provide the balance of my living expenses, but neither avenue is now available. I am currently just covering my mortgage, and bills, and it will continue to become more urgent the longer the isolation continues. Food, utilities, repairs, and supplies have all continued to rise and my income is frozen.
I do have health care, and am using the down time for design and research as there are no costs involved. I also seek out free computer classes to sharpen my skills.
I’m concerned that I won’t be able to have the variety of prizes I was hoping for, nor the hundreds of dollars for display material. Most of the businesses I was expecting to tap for donations for materials like posters and looped videos, etc. are closed right now and will likely be stretched for cash when they re-open. Donations for something like this will be quite far from their minds. This year is the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, so the whole event that I’m arranging actually begins with a headstone hunt contest beginning just before Labour Day. Participants will have until Sept. 24th to visit our 3 local cemeteries and identify certain monuments of veterans that I will have chosen. Then, on an entry form, they must answer questions I’ve created. The owner of our company has already agreed to put up almost $1,000 in prize money for this part of the event and the draws for the cash prizes will be at noon at the community hall on the 26th. I’ve done this in the past and this year’s contest will be our 4th one. It attracts more participants every year and I’m told that it’s the only event of its kind in Canada.
Access to people that can help me finish my degree, access to space to make work
We need money. No strings attached, no requirements, no proof of lost income, not tied to last year’s income, etc. Just get the money out the door.
I require funds to set up a home studio fully to continue silversmithing an preparing for markets
Truthfully, I am doing ok. I have advocated for myself and thankfully have gained concessions with regards to my rent and therapy rates. I have enough groceries and a cozy apartment, a dog that keeps me company and a partner whom I see a couple times a week. I remain creative and have projects to work and focus on. I am updating materials and finding opportunities to shop them to casting. I am getting fresh air. I am staying informed but curbing my social media and news intake in anticipation of the government roll out. I have enough money in my bank account to tide me over until that assistance is received. Though I fully admit that if it weren’t for the steadiness of my most recent job, I would be in a much different situation. For that, I am grateful.
I need a safe way to operate my business by mail. I need financial relief for the money I’ve lost resulting in lost income potential. I need subsidy for materials and education on how to grow my business in a time of economic uncertainty.
Currently most of my losses are financial. Mental health and stress from this (and an ongoing family trauma) has made my hair fall out (wish I was joking .. lol), but I honestly don’t want to give COVID-19 the full blame. Bu, sorting out financial help as a self employed person who normally doesn’t qualify for EI and had a 15k+ contract pulled out from them would be important.
I am concerned financially. With no end of the shut down in sight, it is near impossible to plan ahead or know when going back to work will be an option. I’m okay in isolation now, but paying my mortgage going forward is a very real concern.
The most urgent need at this point is financial, as of today I have stopped receiving active income and so it will soon become difficult to pay rent as well as other expenses (groceries, hydro, internet, etc.). As a full time student who is also financially independent, I operate on a fairly tight budget month to month and so this kind of pay cut is quite drastic for me. I am in the process of seeking out government funding, but until that begins (or if I even qualify for funding) money will be quite tight.
These initiatives help with the mental health and gives us feelings of validation. It’s just a struggle because I don’t fit in a box right now and can’t apply for EI. I am trying to switch all my lessons to online but it was only supposed to be temporary and then I would continue to rebuild. At this point it seems uncertain if I can make a financial go of it and will have to find other employment.
J’ai perdu mon emploi à temps partiel qui complétait mes revenus d’artistes en tant que travailleuse autonome. Puisque j’habitais à l’étranger jusqu’en août 2019 et étant étudiante, je n’ai pas eu le temps de faire 5000$ ou 700h de travail, ce qui rend toute aide financière impossible. L’argent est donc le besoin le plus criant. Du côté de la santé mentale, je suis choyée de profiter de rendez-vous téléphoniques avec ma thérapeute. Le confinement social m’apporte quand même beaucoup de tristesse, puisque la plupart de mon entourage fait partie de la communauté culturelle, tout le monde est déprimée. Terminer un baccalauréat dans ces conditions est également très démotivant et plus difficile. Je subis également une éviction de logement, qui me pousse à la recherche d’un appartement dans un contexte peu propice.
I need TDSB to start online classes. I need some therapy to deal with the stress of the situation. Although I have lost all my gigs my husband still has his work so we have enough to keep our house and feed the kids even though things are now very tight. I feel very lucky for this.
I am grateful for the extended EI and it will help me and my friends a lot. I think mental health is going to be a big challenge for me and my circle of people. I am able to work in my studio but I feel so distracted and get overwhelmed. I feel a little helpless. I would like a concrete way to use my skills to help other people.
Maybe also a guide on how to safely ship things (not necessarily packaging but but how to sanitize the box and materials and stuff so it’s safe for others? Maybe I’m overthinking it – hard to not get into a germ spiral.)
I am fortunate and I am OK.
The gov should pay off ppl who enslave animals to either retire or switch to a plant-based solution <3
People with the means / ability to follow through, I hope you have the chance to work on a petition ( for the gov to pay off ppl who enslave animals) calling for an end to animal farming/ slaughterhouse/ breeding/… _/|\_
For the next 3 weeks I’m ok, although not training has serious implications for my mental health.
Clarity around the wage subsidy programs, notably the one regarding loss of 30% of revenue where 75% of wages are subsidized.
Clarity for the contract workers we laid off and which programs they should be applying for. Presumably most will qualify for the $2000 per month program.
Each has slightly different case.
If we can offer them some contract work, say to develop free online content, what is the threshold for income that will make them ineligible for the above benefits?
I assume I will not be able to apply for support for loss of my income with IATSE.
I am lucky. I have been able to set up a financial buffer over the years to cover my most pressing needs for the next couple of months. My husband is also still working full time at home. Although my workshops have been cancelled, I am hoping to avoid government assistance so that the money goes to those who need it most. I also want to stay positive that things will get better at least by fall… Fingers crossed!!
1a. Grant of $500 to cover 2 months of interest payments. Deferring charges is not enough, loans are not wise when time, and thus, earning potential is lost.
1.b.Defferral need to be made a mandatory no-accumulation-of-interest period.
2. Emergency Benefits need to be accommodating of diverse, multiplicity of income streams and work histories and accommodate PROJECTED LOSSES, not annual averages from the past year. Spring is BOOM time for my freelance and creative pursuits and losing work time now has a much greater impact than an averaged annum.
Honestly, money. For rent, for bills, for food. Living in a major centre for film is already challenging to make ends meet, and those pressures don’t entirely dissipate when everything shuts down. $2000 a month after tax is basically the minimum in Vancouver to survive during this time.
A pause on credit card payments and loan payments would be helpful. Other than that my family is pretty comfortable at the moment.
My most urgent need is basic financial help.
Financial assistance, mental health resources, motivation to get outside at least once a day
I require financial aid more than anything else. Financial aid is the thing that allows me to continue attending therapy; it allows me to eat; it allows me to comfortably allot more time to attempting to find more freelance work.
Santé mentale – je voudrais avoir accès à plusieurs sessions avec mon psychothérapeute pour parler d’enjeux qui ne sont pas reliés à la pandémie, mais qui sont exacerbés par cette situation.
Développement professionnel – je tente de faire programmer une pièce de théâtre, mais les directeurs de compagnie ne sont pas nécessairement en mesure de programmer de futures saisons compte tenu des circonstances actuelles, et je me sens mal d’aborder cela avec mes contacts.
I am concerned that we need to update our wills but we don’t have the money right now to do so.
My mental health has been struggling due to the stress and anxiety of not working. My initial response is to hustle and try to get as much work as possible but then the emergency relief funding requires me to not have work for 14 days straight so I feel stuck. I’m without income if I don’t get the funding and I’m without work if I do get the funding. I need to be able to qualify for CERB with more flexibility and I would love access to mental health support but currently cannot afford it. I’m afraid to spend any money.
As both my partner and I have lost all forms of income, we are in dire need of financial assistance. Paying rent is a huge concern, we both have student loan payments to make, and I have one final instalment of lawyer fees to pay off while I await my permanent residency card to arrive.
Replacement of lost income
I’m fine for the next 3 weeks, being used to having weeks and months with no income.
Income will start to be a problem in June, lack of supplies (which no one can do anything about!) will likely become an issue earlier. Which means that when things do get back to “normal” I won’t have the stock I would hope and there will be a lag time waiting for suppliers to get back up to speed, then to build stock. In other words, I expect my needs to be long term rather than immediate.
I will need some income to cover my household expenses, grocery money and prescription coverage.
It would be helpful to know which type of government support I can qualify for – regular EI, the federal emergency funds or the provincial emergency funds the government has set out.
- Clear legislation for single parents to understand how to navigate custody and access in a pandemic
- Emergency relief funding and grants to cover rent, food and childcare.
- Free therapy to handle the anxiety and panic
- Clear legislation for renters who cannot afford their rent, and assistance implementing these systems for landlords.
- Safe space to continue to create music and art
Financial support and remote employment opportunities. My loved ones are nearby so that’s been keeping me going!
Honestly, I struggle with not working just for mental health. I find it really hard to not feel like I have a purpose. It would also be great to hug someone. I live with my partner and he is the only person I interact with and I really appreciate him for that but I would love to hug someone else, especially the members of my theatre community. I am currently okay financially because I am incredibly lucky with the amount of work that I get throughout the year but I don’t know how long my funds will last.
Fortunately, a series of six invoices for large First Aid classes taught done at a community college over the past 2 years is finally being paid this week, which means my expenses are covered for the next 4 months. Otherwise, I’d be going into high interest debt to meet basic expenses like rent, electricity, phone, internet and cable. I need to stay connected to friends and family in order to maintain my morale and mental health.
I think the government CERB plan is going to help for many freelancers because there are many of us that do not qualify for EI. I do hope to program opens up applications soon as people need to pay bills and rent and with no incoming money it is not attainable for potentially months.
At the moment, I have hope that there will be federal financial assistance. I don’t want to be partisan, I think Trudeau is doing a very good job saying all the right things to keep us calm and focussed. The problem is the Liberals always talk progressive and act conservative. I’m putting my hope into EI or CERB. I work a mix of employment and self-employment gigs. I don’t think I have the 700 employment hours required for EI. The Shadbolt Centre is kind and wants to pay me the $75 a week they have booked me for an after school drama classes. I fear that I do not have the hours to qualify for EI and the $75 the Shadbolt says they will pay me will disqualify me for CERB. I fear that because of my mix of employment and self-employment gigs I will not qualify for any program. I want to have hope but I have a lot of fear.
As Vancouver in not affordable at all, my main concern is to be able to pay the rent.
I am stocked for the next weeks and am able to make occasional, careful trips to stock up. I am well attended with my partner and we are content and healthy. My family lives in Ontario and I have no dependents so generally I am little impacted for now, especially if I will be eligible for CERB (in fact the CERB payments will be rather more than I would have earned in gigs). I am much more concerned for people in greater need – elderly and immunocompromised people, as well as marginalized people, like people of colour, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and victims of domestic violence and abuse, who will be disproportionately affected by SAH orders and harsh policing.
I hope that I will be able to receive the new emergency support benefit. If I receive that I should be able to make it through the next few months. Artistically no one can help me but myself. So I write, I build puppets. I look to the future.
I need a source of regular financial help to make up for my lost contracts and to help me be able to pay the bills and buy food as my pension doesn’t cover it.
I wish there was a way i could figure out what might be fair to ask for from the province for small business assistance. I don’t feel right asking for what they are offering, which is $500 a week, because I wouldn’t have made that much in book sales. Also, they want me to prove that in 2019 my books were my primary income, but they weren’t then. So I don’t really fit the mold. I’ve sold a few books lately locally by ‘safe-delivering’ to doorsteps. What I really need is exposure to make up the lost sales with ebooks, but as I said, I’m not a very good marketer. So maybe what I need is just some exposure.
The two paycheques I would have received in the next three weeks.
I am in need of money to pay for monthly rent and groceries.
I need financial aid. I can apply for CERB once I reach the 14 days of no income but I won’t qualify if my work is able to bring me back half time. It doesn’t make sense not to help people who are able to salvage maybe half their normal wages – we can’t live off that.
I require financial aid – however due to the continuation of a meager income through part-time online work, I am deemed ineligible for EI or other Covid-response emergency relief funds. This is a serious misstep in the bureaucratic system, as I desperately need financial aid. I am not making enough at this point in time to pay my bills, pay my rent, or purchase groceries.
Regular income, clarity around CERB–for example, a couple of places I contract with have offered some online gigs that are temporary but I dont know if I can accept because I fear I will be inegible for CERB despite it not being nearly enough. I also run a non-profit arts collective that makes its money off of membership but not enough to file taxes–we basically just have our studio rent covered and get paid only when we run workshops or get projet grants. I fear we will fall through the cracks since nothing is offered to small groups like us (we don’t make enough to receive core grant support either).
Financial aid, mental health services (couselling / therapist) — these two things of course feel very intertwined.
I am fortunate to be in a position where financial concerns are not an immediate issue. I am waiting to hear about the status of the show I was doing as well as a contract that I had lined up for the summer. My part-time job has also been significantly reduced. I was expecting some hours between now and June. I guess what I need in the next few weeks is some sense of certainty (Don’t we all). I am concerned that as more and more restrictions are put in place that access to food will be difficult.
I definitely am in need of financial support, as many of the theatre-based jobs that I lost were paid gigs that I was expecting a pay check from.
I am doing okay. I am married to someone who is still working, so we have income. Our 20 year old daughter was supposed to graduate from College in May, so trying to keep up her morale and trying to stay healthy is tiring. I miss the social inaction the most. Actors aren’t meant to be solitary.
On-line support for social media communication out-reach
To have some level of financial support.
Of course, financial support is the main concern. My main sources of income, beyond performance work, includes promotional work, teaching in arts education, child care, events, etc. All of these sources of income require social interaction, and while there are things put in place to promote online learning and connection, this is limited (one voice lesson a week, at a discount for example). On top of this, mental health is certainly a concern. My art and my career connect me to the world, and it can feel extremely debilitating to lose all of that in a matter of days, with no end in sight. Being in close quarters with 7 other people can be trying as well. I would love to have access to mental health supports, for example licensed therapist phone calls or zooms for free.
One thing that has continued to lift my spirits is the ways in which communities are coming together using the internet, through live instagram yoga and dance, etc. There needs to be more support for organizations who are continuing to offer classes, or who are arranging digital readings or live recordings of bedroom concerts, etc.
Most urgent is figuring out and securing finances for mortgage, bills and food… we are trying to be the best we can be with teaching our kids at home and helping them stay on track and be positive… that’s it, just want the best for my family and keep everything we’ve work hard to build as a family as entertainers.
Financially, rent and other reoccuring bills need to be paid with little to no savings; I don’t want to have to access my RRSP’s early but if need be, I may have to, My husband is a musician as is currently working his day job (water delivery) and I fear for him as he risks his health everyday by visiting several places and coming into contact with other essential workers.
I’m fortunate that I don’t need anything in the next 3 weeks, but I am nervous for what will happen in the coming months as my income and sustainability is entirely up in the air.
Mental health support. My benefits max out at $500 for therapy and counselling, which is more urgently needed than ever in this challenging time.
I am too depressed to even know how to articulate what I need. I have no idea. I am able to get out of bed (mostly), and cook for myself. Motivation is an issue. As an Artist who is INCORPORATED, I have no idea where I FIT in terms of qualifying for any financial assistance – so, I suppose I need to speak with an “expert”, but I have no idea who that might be.
Clear and unified information about eligibility and access to financial support that may replace lost income.
Reassurance that employers/engagers/programmers will not use the current good will (desperation) of artists as an excuse to undervalue their work, or roll-back terms and conditions in the long term.
I need financial aid as soon as possible! I need to be able to pay for my medication (as I have asthma, and ulcerative colitis), my food, and most urgently, my rent.
- Rent and bill payments
- Grocery money
- Human contact
Financial: Definitely need financial support to pay rent & bills.
Physical help: my knee replacement was postponed, was sorely needed, so my mobility is very challenged.
Other: Support to find ways to complete projects, realign them, revision ongoing and future projects.
I’m old, so have materials to continue painting in house. Not starving, but the peer support you get from a show is missing. It’s a really sad, difficult time.
I need something similar to CERB for people who have lost part of their employment. And I need it to take into account that the time I spent doing my second job is now spent looking after loved ones.
My situation is a lot less precarious than most artists. I will be ok in the short term but I have serious concerns about the future.
This quote from an artist in The Guardian is a good summary:
While the financial impact of Covid-19 is massive on those working in the arts, the impact of coronavirus goes beyond the loss of wages – it affects our visibility. Projects which have been in the pipeline for many months are put on hold, or no longer possible. Perhaps they lose their relevance as this global crisis escalates as it has. Galleries and cultural spaces rearrange their programmes, pushing an already competitive workforce into greater competition for places. This situation is complicated for us all, but without support, we risk a whole generation of artists slipping away.
I know there’s a critical need for immediate relief for visual artists, many of whom are among the lowest earners in the whole arts sector. There also needs to be a recognition of the indirect and longer term consequences for ‘visual artists’. I really hope granting agencies, galleries, museums, and art venues of all sorts account for that in their budget and future programming.
At this time the most important thing I can think of is income. It’s heartbreaking seeing my spouse leave for work while I stay home. I never wanted that to happen to us, feeling like a burden to her with no hope for something better in the coming weeks. It has become very trying for our relationship.
I’m fortunate to still have some contracts that should see me through the next 3 weeks financially. So, my urgent needs are: 1. Government programs that will meaningfully aid my friends and peers who are out of work (this will likely be me too in a little while); 2. Connections with personal and professional support networks, including community organizing initiatives; 3. Time and motivation to continue creative work.
My biggest need right now is financial support. I really need money to pay rent and buy food.
Financial need is at the forefront as I feel I will become food insecure soon. My physical and mental well-being rely a lot on being outdoors and that hasn’t been as much of a possibility lately. I’m also having trouble coping with the fact that my family all lives in the USA or in BC and the thought that if one of them were to have COVID-19I might not ever see them again if they suffer grave symptoms and die.
Eligibility from CERB that allows me to still do the small administrative tasks I have to do for either wrap up or planning of festivals /events (approx $150-$200/wk). Some mental health supports would be helpful.
As a person with a history of anxiety and depression this has taken a serious toll on my mental health. It has been something I haven’t even been able to consider financially as rent, utilities, and food come first. Financial support would take the pressure off and would allow me to have enough money to survive, to access mental health supports, and not have to worry about finding temporary employment that could put me and my family at risk of illness.
A rent reduction or subsidy would be the only thing I can really ask for. If we dont have to worry about all our savings going to April’s rent, we could afford to have our employee do more work while we’re closed, and can work on advertising and preparing for the future and changing with the times
I would love to see the SODEC commit to pay the financial support that touring artists were eligible for, even if their tours were shortened due to the coronavirus.
Funders such as FACTOR, the Canada Council, and the CALQ have already made announcements that they will not penalize artists who received grant money for projects impacted by the coronavirus and who had already made un-refundable payments towards those projects.
Such a move by the SODEC, following the lead of these other organizations, would help reduce the personal debt we are now facing.
it would be great to get same financial support as people who are getting CERB with deducting out business revenue from it. This way we won’t have to close our online shops and still will make sure we have enough money for the basic needs and paying bills.
We are also working on building our own standalone website and it would be great if there were any grants available for e-commerce development.
Financial for sure – though its hard when you know others are suffering to a greater degree. But even if its not as impactful to me at this time and that I can manage it is still creating a hardship in my family. I feel guilty for feeling disappointed and scared when on the other hand I’m also lucky in many ways. And I don’t even know if the pittance that I would accrue comparatively qualifies me for anything. Basically lost and ashamed to actually voice what I am going through.
I would love some way to find out which arts organizations will be able to continue to operate in the near future and a conduit for job application. Work In Culture is fine, but it’s not quite attuned to some of the specifics of a COVID-19 world. Oh and I need to be able to pay my various bills. Interest relief on debt would be important.Forgiving of all student loan debt would immediately put all tha money back into the economy.
I am okay in many aspects but the mental health would be primary concern. I am prone to depression and anxiety. Knowing that my studio rent is paid for, and knowing that I am not alone will help.